Friday, October 29, 2010


The actual details of this eventual evolvement to Halloween are murky due to the lack of recorded history during this time but they are no less fascinating. It was the belief of the Celts that each year held two parts; the light and the dark. Samhain (pr. saw - wehn') can be literally translated as summer's end, or meaning the end of the light. This day, November 1st, was considered to be the dawn of the new year on the Celtic calendar.
When Christianity began to spread across the lands, the name was changed from Samhain to Hallowmas, also known as All Saints' Day. The ritual of all Saints' Day was to honor the souls of the dead from the previous year, thereby defaulting the preceding day to be known as All Hallow's Eve or Hollantide, what we now refer to as Halloween.

Halloween is about all types of costumes and dress-up now, not just scary costumes for frightening the spirits of the dead. Halloween house parties are more popular than ever in the interest of safety. Many shopping malls have planned events, particularly in climates with inclement weather that prevent trick-or-treat from being done in comfort.
The old tradition of bobbing for apples or what was originally known as apple-ducking, stated the person who came up with an apple first would be the first one to marry in the new year. The modern version simply has the first one to bite into an apple declared the winner. Bobbing for apples partly explains while children from some parts of the continent were taught to shout 'Trick-or-Treat' when approaching a doorway, many others were encouraged to call out 'Halloween Apples'.
While the current forms of celebration are vastly different from the origins of Halloween, it's interesting to note how the holiday and its traditions have evolved into what is known today.

Read more at Suite101: What Does Halloween Mean & What is it All About?: A History of Halloween, All Saints' Day, All Souls Day and Tradition

kmkorg pun pg halloween party...yeayyy!! 2 hari berturut2 gik ya... nang ngutik laaaa...bermake up hampir 4 jam..memang berbaloi si jj ya menang da best custome..ketiga2 cdak ( zul no 1, jerry no 2 and annette no 3 )  dapat anugerah tergemilang yaaa... kelak upload gambar.. dalam proses ngumpul semua....

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